Raphael Musical Selections

Two Columbus-based musical groups provided the music in the exhibition Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact, on display from July 15 through October 30, 2022.

  • The Early Interval performs medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music on historical instruments.
  • Fior Angelico is a chorus dedicated to the performance of music of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
  • Fior Angelico’s Director Matthew Bester and The Early Interval’s musician Sean Ferguson curated the selections below.

    Musical Selections (in order of play)


    1. Fior — Agabrieli — Maria Magdalene

    2. Giovanni Battista Riccio – Canzona “La Rubina”

    3. Fior – Willaert – O Magnum

    4. Domenico Zipoli – Pastorale

    5. Fior – Victoria – Ave Maria

    6. Andrea Falconieri – Folias echa para mi Señora Doña Tarolilla de Carallenos

    7. Fior – Guerrero – Maria Magdalene

    8. Biagio Marini – Sonata Prima sopra “Fuggi dolente core”

    9. Fior – Victoria – O Magnum

    10. Fior – Victoria – O Quam Gloriosum

    11. Lodovico Viadana – Canzon Francese in Riposta

    12. Fior – Palestrina – Sicut Cervus

    13. Marco Uccellini – Sonata Decima Settima

    14. Fior – Victoria – O Vos Omnes


    The Early Interval

    Jim Bates: viola da gamba

    Sean Ferguson: theorbo

    David Stefano: recorders

    Alexandra Vargo: violin


    Fior Angelico

    Director: Matthew Bester

    **Music Coordination: Thank you Sandra Mathias, PhD, Commissioner of Music, Arts and Heritage, First Congregational Church UCC

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